Student Agenda


Monsignor Paul Dwyer

Catholic High School


Student Agenda

2024 - 2025


   Principal: Mr. S. O’Hare

Vice Principal:  Mrs. K. Burke         A - L

Vice Principal:  Mr. M. Travis       M - Z


700 Stevenson Road North

Oshawa, ON   L1J 5P5

Telephone: 905-723-5255

Fax: 905-723-1631

School Website:


School email:


Board Website:


This agenda belongs to:


                                                    Name               ____________________________________


                                                    Address           ____________________________________


                                                    City/Town        ____________  Postal Code     __________


                                                    Phone              ____________    Homeroom          __________


 Dates to Remember 2024-2025

Sept 3                       First Day of School for All Students

                                   Semester 1 Begins, Term 1

Sept 4, 5, 6, 9           Grade Level Assemblies

Sept 17                     School Photo Day by Edge Imaging

Sept 10                     First Parent Council Meeting and Parent Council Elections Meeting, 6:00pm
                                -All are welcome!

Sept. 26                    TERRY FOX Run

Sept 30                     National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Oct 5                        World Teachers’ Day

Oct 11                      PA Day

Oct 14                      Thanksgiving Day (Statutory Holiday)

Oct 17                      Photo Retake Day by Edge Imaging

Oct 17                      Parent Teacher Interviews, 6:30pm – 9pm via booked appts.

Nov 1                       All Saints Day 

Nov 2                       All Souls Day

Nov 6                       Take Your Kid To Work Day -Gr. 9s

Nov 6                       Mid-Term, Term 2

Nov 11                     Remembrance Day Assembly 

Nov 15                     PA Day

Nov 13 - 20              2025 Graduates: Grad Photo Day -via booked appts.

Dec 20                     Last day of classes before Christmas Break

Dec 23 - Jan 3          Christmas Break       

Jan 6, 2025              Classes Resume / Epiphany

Jan 15                      Gr. 8 Parent Information Night / Open House, 6:30-8:00pm

Jan 22 - 27               EXAM Days

Jan 28                      Exam Conflict Day

Jan 29                      Exam Review AM / Credit Rescue PM

Jan 30                      Semester 2 begins, Term 3

Feb 13                      FINAL Grad Photo Day -booked appointments only

Feb 15                      Grad ReTakes

Feb 16                      PA Day (Secondary and Elementary)

Feb 19                      Family Day (Holiday)

March 5                    Ash Wednesday

March 7-14               March Break               

TBA - Week of March 17      Parent-Teacher Interviews, 6:30pm - 9pm, Cafetorium

March 31                  PA Day

TBA                         Mid-Term, Term 4

April 18                    Good Friday (Holiday)

April 21                    Easter Monday (Holiday)

May 4 – 9                  Catholic Education Week

May 19                      Victoria Day (Holiday)

TBD                          Musical Theatre Evening Performances

June 18-23                Exam Day

June 24                     Exam Conflict Day

June 25                     Last day of class for Secondary Students: AM: Exam Review / PM: Credit Rescue

June 26                     PA Day

June 27                     GRADUATION Ceremony, 11:00am

June 27                     PA Day (Elementary & Secondary Schools)

Revised: 10/03/2024  Please Note: Dates are subject to change.


Mission Statement

We are called to celebrate and nurture the God-given talents of each student as we serve with excellence

in the light of Christ.

Monsignor Paul Dwyer's Mission Statement 

In the tradition of truth and goodness, the Monsignor Paul Dwyer learning community recognizes the image of Christ in all people and is committed to educate one another with mutual respect, love, honesty, and integrity.

Principal's Message 

“What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God”.

                                                                                          Hans Urs von Balthasar


At Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School, we are deeply committed to the spiritual, academic, emotional and social well-being of all students placed in our care. We value our partners in faith, our parents, parish and community partners in fostering and supporting the fundamental principles of our Catholic virtues in developing the skills, knowledge and faith essential in the formation of young Catholic adults. 

The Student Agenda provides information regarding important events, outlines procedures and regulations regarding the School Code of Conduct, safety, dress code, attendance and expectations for the staff and students. The Student Agenda is also a useful tool in providing academic support for students and parents when completing assignments and preparing for evaluations. 

We encourage parents and students to familiarize themselves with the information in the Student Agenda to support success throughout the year. 


Mr. Shawn O’Hare


 Monsignor Paul Dwyer Prayer


Holy God,

Source, Author, and Giver of Life,

We are grateful for the footprints of our past

and the blessings of today.

Help us in our journey toward

truth and goodness.

Guide each one of us to grow in holiness and wisdom

and teach us to protect all creation. 



Saint Dieu,

Source, Auteur et Donneur de la Vie,

Nous Te sommes reconnaissants pour les empreintes de notre passé

et pour les bénédictions d'aujourd'hui.

Aide-nous dans notre cheminement vers la vérité et la bonté.

Guide chacun de nous pour grandir dans la sainteté et la sagesse

et apprends-nous à protéger toute la création.


 Dwyer's Core Values
 Bell Times - Regular Schedule





7:55 a.m.

Head to 1st Period / Homeroom.


8:00 – 9:20

(80 min.)

-Opening Exercises at

start of Period 1


9:25 – 10:40

(75 min.)


10:40 – 11:20

Lunch (40 min.)


11:25 – 12:40

(75 min.)


12:45 – 2:00

(75 min.)



School Crest, Motto, Logo and Colours 

SCHOOL MOTTO: VERITAS et BONITAS, translated TRUTH and GOODNESS which we hope to teach and inspire.


THE SCHOOL COLOURS: WHITE AND BLUE, chosen to honour Our Lady, asking Mary to watch over our students. YELLOW: St. Joseph’s colour, also a Papal colour, chosen because the opening of the school coincided with the convening of Vatican II.


THE SYMBOLS ON THE CREST: The sword is the symbol of St. Paul, patron of Monsignor Paul Dwyer; it is also a symbol found in the Dwyer family crest. The crook, or shepherd’s staff is symbolic of Monsignor’s 50 years as a Priest, and also of the role of the parish priests in Catholic Education and the Spiritual formation of the students. The blades of wheat surrounding the shield represent the Wheat of Christ, the Bread of the Eucharist, a symbol of sacrifice and unity.

The crest incorporates the colours and symbols of the old crest from St. Joseph’s High School and Oshawa Catholic High School days, and adds symbols to represent the newer title, Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School. The school logo is the haloed stick man. The name under which the school teams compete is The Saints.


About Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School

Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School was named in honour of the late Monsignor Paul M. Dwyer. Monsignor had a special dream, a special hope of having a Catholic High School in Oshawa - a school where faith would be openly taught and celebrated, where, enlightened by faith, the students would absorb lasting spiritual and moral values.

Monsignor has given us not only the legacy of an established school and his conviction of the value of Catholic education, but he has also left us the example of his priestly life. For fifty-three years Monsignor was privileged to serve God’s people, to be a presence of Christ to them, to be a herald of the good news of salvation, a minister of God’s mercy, counselling, consoling, blessing, lifting up. He was known and loved, too, for his involvement in the community of Oshawa.  As his patron St. Paul, Monsignor could say, “I have run the race, I have fought the good fight to the end. I have run the race to the finish. I have kept the faith”. It is hoped that his life will be an inspiration and challenge to the students at Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School, that they will cherish the Christian and gospel values reflected in his life, that their lives will reflect some of the same serenity of spirit built of a deep faith and loving trust in God, and that they too like Monsignor, may run a good race.

Catholic Graduate Expectations 

The Catholic Secondary School Graduate is expected to be: 

  • A discerning believer formed in the Catholic Faith community who celebrates the signs and sacred mystery of God’s presence through work, sacrament, prayer, forgiveness, reflection and moral living.
  • An effective communicator who speaks, writes and listens honestly and sensitively, responding critically in light of gospel values.
  • A reflective, creative and holistic thinker who solves problems and makes responsible decisions with an informed moral conscience for the common good.
  • A self-directed, responsible, lifelong learner who develops and demonstrates his/her God-given potential.
  • A collaborative contributor who finds meaning, dignity and vocation in work who respects the rights of all and contributes to the common good.
  • A caring family member who attends to family, school, parish and the wider community.
  • A responsible citizen who gives witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting peace, justice and the sacredness of human life.
 Safe, Caring and Healthy Secondary Schools

The Durham Catholic District School Board recognizes that a school should be a place that promotes responsibility, respect, civility, and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. A positive school climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, comfortable, and accepted. It is the responsibility of all members of the school community to work together to create a positive learning environment where all members feel supported.


Access to Premises 

We are always pleased to have parents/guardians visit the school to discuss an issue with teachers or administrators.  In keeping with the Board’s Access to School Premises Policy, please remember that anyone coming into the school must first sign in at the main office and obtain a Visitor’s badge. All staff members will be wearing photo ID and will question anyone whose presence is not expected.

If a parent/guardian needs to pick up his/her son/daughter during the school day, this must be facilitated at the attendance office. Members of the office staff will call the student down to the office to be signed out.  If parents need to send a friend/relative/designate to pick up their child, please advise the school in advance and ask the designate to provide photo identification at the main office. If the student returns to school before dismissal, he/she must sign back in at the attendance office so his/her attendance can be monitored.

 Attendance Matters


  • Students should miss no more than 9 days of school each year to stay engaged, successful and on track to graduation. That means no more than 4 ½ days per semester.
  • Absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with school work, dealing with a bully or facing some other potentially serious difficulty.
  • Research shows that by grade nine, regular and high attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than grade eight test scores.
  • Missing 10 percent of a school year (or about 19 days), can drastically affect a student’s academic success. 
  • Students can be chronically absent even if they only miss a day or two every few weeks.
  • Good attendance is an important life skill that will help your child successfully complete an apprenticeship, college diploma or university degree. Good attendance is a life skill that will help your child keep a job.


Make School Attendance a Priority

  • Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day, make that the expectation in your family.
  • Help your child maintain daily routines, such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep.
  • Try not to schedule dental and medical appointments during the school day.
  • Don’t let your child stay home unless truly sick. Complaints of headaches or stomach aches may be signs of anxiety. Talk to your physician or ask someone at the school (guidance counsellor, principal or vice principal, school social worker or child and youth counsellor) where to go for help.
Help Your Teen Stay Engaged 
  • Find out if your child feels engaged by his/her classes and feels safe from bullies and other threats. Report any concerns to the teacher or principal or vice principal.
  • Stay on top of academic progress and seek help from teachers or tutors if necessary. Make sure teachers know how to contact you. 
  • Stay on top of your youth’s social contacts. Peer pressure can lead to skipping school, while students without many friends can feel isolated.
  • Encourage meaningful after school activities, including sports and clubs.


Communicate With the School

  • Talk to teachers if you notice sudden changes in behaviour. These could be tied to something going on at school.
  • Check on your child’s attendance to be sure absences are not piling up.
  • Ask for help from school officials, after school programs, other parents or community agencies if you’re having trouble getting your child to school.
SAFE ARRIVAL – Automated Attendance System 


The Durham Catholic District School Board uses an automated attendance system called Safe Arrival to report a student absence. Safe Arrival makes it easy for you to report your child’s absence, it allows staff to quickly verify student attendance which in turn allows staff to respond to unexplained student absences.

Parents are able to report their child’s absence quickly and conveniently using three different methods:

1. Parents can log into a website: to report student absences.

2. Parents can call into the automated interactive telephone system using the toll-free number: 1-844-288-7628 through which absences can be reported.

3. Parents can download the SafeArrival app for iOS and Android smartphones.  Search for the keyword school messenger in the Google Play store or the Apple App store.  Select Canada, select sign up, enter your email address that is on file with the school, enter a password. 

All three methods are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Future absences, like doctor’s appointments can be reported ahead of time. For more information, please visit the school website.

Restorative Schools

We believe that safety begins with positive connections between the students, staff and parents. To foster these relationships, staff in the Durham Catholic District School Board use restorative practices, including classroom circles and small group conferences to build community within the classroom and the school. Restorative Practice is rooted in the same philosophical approach as Canada’s Native Aboriginal communities. It rests on the belief that it is best to do things with people, rather than to them. When conflict arises, using restorative practice engages students in a fair process that responds to behaviour in ways that strengthen and repair the relationship. It is collaborative rather than adversarial in nature. The aim of restorative practice is to hold individuals accountable for their actions while restoring and repairing any relationships amongst each other and within the community that may have been harmed.

Catholic Restorative Schools will:

  • Provide opportunities for someone who has done harm to determine the effect of his/her actions and make reparations
  • Provide a voice for the victim
  • Use a common set of restorative questions both in and out of our classrooms to give the victim a voice and enable the perpetrator to determine the effect of his/her actions. “How do you think your actions had an impact on others?”  “What do you think you need to do to make things right?”
  • Use circles, or small group conferences to build community, develop empathy and understanding, and when needed, to repair relationships
  • Celebrate our Catholic community through the Catholic virtues and Catholic Graduate Expectations
  • Use think papers and reflective discussion papers aligned with the restorative questions
 School Code of Conduct

All schools base their individual school Code of Conduct on the Ministry of Education Code of Conduct.  As per Board Policy and the Ontario Safe Schools Act, a school’s Code of Conduct will be developed in consultation with parents, teachers and the Catholic School Advisory Council.  All members of the school community will be responsible for adhering to the expectations as outlined in this Code of Conduct.


Schools within the Durham Catholic District School Board will focus on prevention, early intervention and progressive discipline as the key to maintaining a positive school environment in which students can learn and educators can teach. When inappropriate behaviour occurs, all staff members will utilize a range of interventions, supports and consequences that are developmentally appropriate, that include opportunities for students to learn from mistakes, and that focus on improving behaviour. In some circumstances, short term suspension may be the method of progressive discipline utilized. In the case of a serious incident, long-term suspension or expulsion, which is further along the continuum of progressive discipline, may be the response that is required.

Statement of Purpose 

The provincial Code of Conduct sets clear provincial standards of behaviour. These standards of behaviour apply not only to students, but also to all individuals involved in the publicly funded school system whether they are on school property, on school buses, at school-related events or activities, or in other circumstances that could have an impact on the school climate.

The purpose of the Provincial Code of Conduct and the School Code of Conduct is:

  • To ensure that all members of the school community, especially people in positions of authority, are treated with respect and dignity.
  • To promote responsible citizenship by encouraging appropriate participation in the civic life of the school community.
  • To maintain an environment where conflict and difference can be addressed in a manner characterized by respect and civility.
  • To encourage the use of non-violent means to resolve conflict.
  • To promote the safety of people in the schools.
  • To discourage the use of alcohol, cannabis and illegal drugs.
Guiding Principles 
  • Responsible citizenship involves appropriate participation in the civic life of the school community.
  • Active and engaged citizens are aware of their rights, but more importantly, they accept responsibility for protecting their rights and the rights of others.
  • Members of the school community are expected to use non-violent means to resolve conflict.
  • Physically aggressive behaviour is not a responsible way to interact with others.
  • The possession, use or threatened use of any object to injure another person endangers the safety of oneself and others.
  • Alcohol, cannabis and illegal drugs are addictive and present a health hazard.
  • The school will work cooperatively with police, drug and alcohol agencies to promote prevention strategies and, where necessary, respond to school members who are in possession of, or under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
  • Insults, disrespect, and other hurtful acts disrupt learning and teaching in a school community.
  • Members of the school community have a responsibility to maintain an environment where conflict and difference can be addressed in a manner characterized by respect and civility.
Standards of Behaviour 

I) Respect, Civility, and Responsible Citizenship

All members of the school community must:

  • Respect and comply with all applicable federal, provincial, and municipal laws;
  • Demonstrate honesty and integrity;
  • Respect differences in people, their ideas, and their opinions;
  • Treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, and especially when there is disagreement;
  • Respect and treat others fairly, regardless of, for example, race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability;
  • Respect the rights of others;
  • Show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others;
  • Take appropriate measures to help those in need;
  • Seek assistance from a member of the school staff, if necessary, to resolve conflict peacefully;
  • Respect all members of the school community, especially persons in positions of authority;
  • Respect the need of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching;
  • Not swear at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority.


II) Safety

All members of the school community must not:

  • Engage in bullying behaviours;
  • Commit sexual assault;
  • Traffic weapons, illegal or illicit drugs;
  • Give alcohol, cannabis or illegal drugs to a minor;
  • Commit robbery;
  • Be in possession of any weapon, including firearms;
  • Use any object to threaten or intimidate another person;
  • Cause injury to any person with an object;
  • Be in possession of, or under the influence of, or provide others with alcohol or illegal drugs;
  • Inflict or encourage others to inflict bodily harm on another person;
  • Engage in hate propaganda and other forms of behaviour motivated by hate or bias;
  • Commit an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property or to property located on the premises of the school.
Consequences for Student Behaviour 


Commensurate with the Durham Catholic District School Board’s Progressive Discipline Policy, when inappropriate behaviour occurs, schools are required to utilize a range of interventions, supports, and consequences that are developmentally appropriate, provide opportunities for students to learn from mistakes, and focus on improving behaviour. In some circumstances, short-term suspension may be the appropriate consequence while in more serious incidents, long-term suspension or expulsion may be the response that is required.


The infractions for which a suspension may be considered by the principal include:

  • Uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person;

  • Possessing alcohol, illegal drugs or cannabis (unless the pupil is a medical cannabis user);

  • Being under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or cannabis (unless the pupil is a medical cannabis user);

  • Swearing at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority;

  • Committing an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property at the pupil’s school or to property located on the premises of the pupil’s school;

  • Bullying

  • Uttering a racial slur or comment;

  • Sexual slurs or harassment;

  • Possession and/or use of tobacco products;

  • Disrespect towards or desecration of the religious dimension of the school;

  • Conduct deemed to be unacceptable: e.g.,

    • Fighting/Violence
    • Use of profane or improper language
    • Persistent opposition to authority
    • Persistent tardiness and/or truancy including “skipping” classes
    • Theft
    • Inappropriate use of Social Media
    • Any other behaviours deemed to be contrary to the school Code of Conduct.

 A student may be suspended for a minimum of one (1) school day and a maximum of twenty (20) school days.



The infractions for which a principal shall suspend and may consider recommending to the Board that a pupil be expelled from the pupil’s school or from all schools of the Board include:

  • Possessing a weapon, including possessing a knife or a firearm;

  • Using a weapon to cause or to threaten bodily harm to another person;

  • Bullying, if the pupil has previously been suspended for engaging in bullying, and the pupil’s continuing presence in the school creates an unacceptable risk to the safety of another person;

  • Committing physical assault on another person that causes bodily harm requiring treatment by a medical practitioner;

  • Committing sexual assault;

  • Trafficking in weapons or restricted or illegal drugs;

  • Committing robbery;

  • Giving cannabis to a minor;

  • Giving alcohol to a minor;

  • Any activity listed in the Code of Conduct for which a suspension must be considered that is motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other similar factor;

  • Engaging in activities or patterns of behaviour on or off school property that cause the pupil’s presence in the school to create an unacceptable risk to the physical or mental well-being of other person(s) in the school or Board;

  • Engaging in activities on or off school property that have caused extensive damage to the property of the Board or to goods that are/were on Board property;

  • Conduct deemed to be unacceptable:

    • Any act considered by the Principal and Family of Schools Superintendent to be a serious violation of the Board or school Code of Conduct. 
Mitigating Factors

Before the principal or vice principal makes a decision to suspend or recommend an expulsion, he/she must consider all mitigating circumstances.

  • Whether the student has the ability to control his or her behaviour;

  • Whether the student has the ability to understand the foreseeable consequences of his or her behaviour; and

  • Whether the student’s continuing presence in the school does or does not create an unacceptable risk to the safety of any person in the school.


Other Factors to be Considered

  • The student’s academic, discipline and personal history

  • Whether a progressive discipline approach has been used with the student;

  • Whether the activity for which the student may be or is being suspended or expelled was related to any harassment of the student because of race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation or to any other harassment;

  • The impact of the discipline on the student’s  ongoing education;

  • The age of the student;

  • In the case where the student has an Individual Education Plan(IEP) or disability-related needs:

  • Whether the behaviour was a manifestation of a disability identified in the student’s Individual Education Plan;

  • Whether appropriate individualized accommodation has been provided, and

  • Whether the suspension is likely to result in aggravating or worsening of the student’s behaviour or conduct.

Roles and Responsibilities


School Boards

School Boards provide direction to their schools to ensure opportunity, academic excellence, and accountability in the education system. It is the responsibility of the School Board to:

  • Model Christian behaviours founded in Catholic tradition;

  • Develop policies that set out how their schools will implement and enforce the provincial Code of Conduct and all other rules that they develop that are related to the provincial standards that promote and support respect, civility, responsible citizenship, and safety;

  • Review these policies regularly with students, staff, parents, volunteers, and the community;

  • Seek input from school councils, their Parent Involvement Committee, their Special Education Advisory Committee, parents, students, staff members, and the school community;

  • Establish a process that clearly communicates the provincial Code of Conduct and School Board Codes of Conduct to all parents, students, staff members, and members of the school community in order to obtain their commitment and support;

  • Develop effective intervention strategies and respond to all infractions related to the standards for respect, civility, responsible citizenship, and safety; and

  • Provide opportunities for all of the staff to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to develop and maintain academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment; and wherever possible, Boards should collaborate to provide coordinated prevention and intervention programs and services, and should endeavour to share effective practices.



Under the direction of their School Boards, principals take a leadership role in the daily operation of a school. They provide this leadership by:

  • Modelling Christian behaviours founded in Catholic tradition;

  • Demonstrating care for the school community and a commitment to academic excellence in a safe teaching and learning environment;

  • Holding everyone under their authority accountable for his or her behaviour and actions;

  • Empowering students to be positive leaders in their school and community; and

  • Communicating regularly and meaningfully with all members of their school community.


Teachers and Other School Staff Members

Under the leadership of their principals, teachers and other school staff members maintain order in the school and are expected to hold everyone to the highest standard of respectful and responsible behaviour. As role models, teachers and school staff uphold these high standards when they:

  • Model Christian behaviours founded in Catholic tradition;

  • Help students work to their full potential and develop their sense of self-worth;

  • Empower students to be positive leaders in their classroom, school, and community;

  • Communicate regularly and meaningfully with parents;

  • Maintain consistent standards of behaviour for all students;

  • Demonstrate respect for all students, staff, parents, volunteers, and the members of the school community; and

  • Prepare students for the full responsibilities of citizenship.



Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they must demonstrate respect for themselves, for others, and for the responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behaviour.

Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student:

  • Models Christian behaviours founded in Catholic tradition;

  • Comes to school prepared, on time., and ready to learn;

  • Shows respect for himself or herself, for others, and for those in authority;

  • Refrains from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety of others; and

  • Follows the established rules and takes responsibility for his or her own actions.



Parents/Guardians play an important role in the education of their children and can support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. Parents fulfill their role when they:

  • Support the values of our Catholic school system;

  • Conduct themselves in an appropriate manner;

  • Take responsibility and support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students;

  • Show an active interest in their child’s school work and progress;

  • Communicate regularly with the school;

  • Help their child be neat, appropriately dressed, and prepared for school;

  • Ensure that their child attends school regularly and on time;

  • Promptly report to the school their child’s absence or late arrival;

  • Show that they are familiar with the provincial Code of Conduct, the Board’s Code of Conduct and school rules;

  • Encourage and assist their child in following the rules of behaviour; and

  • Assist school staff in dealing with disciplinary issues involving their child.

School Code of Conduct on School Bus Vehicles


All school bus vehicles are considered an extension of the classroom and all school policies such as Safe Schools, and School Code of Conduct apply to the school bus. All transported students whether on a field trip or home to school transportation are expected to behave in a manner on the bus that ensures that everyone remains safe.  Since the bus is an extension of the school, students are accountable to the school principal who has the authority to ensure that student conduct on the school bus is appropriate.

Due to the nature of the activity of riding a bus, the following are expectations for all methods of school transportation as per the School Code of Conduct.

All students must:

  • Respect other people’s property and belongings while waiting for the school bus;

  • Treat the driver with respect and follow his/her instructions;

  • Be courteous and respectful to others on the bus at all times;

  • Act appropriately in a manner that does not endanger the safety of oneself or others including, but not limited to:

    • Not engaging in any activity that interferes with the safe operation of the bus

    • Remaining seated at all times, facing forward while the bus is in motion

    • Keeping hands, arms, feet, head and belongings inside the vehicle until the student has exited at his/her stop

    • Not distracting or speaking to the bus driver except in the case of emergency

    • Refraining from inappropriate behaviour on the bus, e.g., throwing items, swearing, fighting, or bullying

    • Not bringing alcohol, drugs or weapons onto the school bus

    • Not touching safety equipment or emergency exits except in the case of an emergency

    • Not eating or drinking on the bus.

Safe and Caring Schools Report It - Non-Emergency Reporting System            



Parents and students are encouraged to report incidents of bullying or other school safety concerns as soon as they happen by contacting their teacher and/or school administration.  We recognize that bullying affects a student’s sense of safety and security, and some people may not feel comfortable reporting bullying or other school safety incidents.  To help ease this worry, students and parents are welcome to use the Report It page available on the school website to report incidents of bullying or other safety concerns that have not already been reported. School safety concerns can be reported anonymously or contact information can be given so that appropriate follow-up can occur. The information provided will be forwarded to the school principal for action and a follow-up response if requested.

Community Threat Assessment and Intervention Protocol – Fair Notice


The Durham Catholic District School Board is committed to providing safe learning environments for all students, staff, school visitors and community members. When student behaviours pose a potential threat to safety or serious harm to self or others, all schools in the Durham Catholic District School Board follow the Community Threat Assessment and Intervention Protocol

(C-TAIP), which outlines how a school responds immediately to threatening behaviour. This protocol involves supports from various partners, including community agencies, hospitals and police services. Personal information shared throughout this process will always respect and balance each individual’s right to privacy while ensuring the safety of all. For more information, please refer to the school website or ask the principal for more information.

Search and Seizure


According to the Police/School Board Protocol for Durham Catholic District School Board, it is the right and authority of the Principal or designate to search school and personal property, such as lockers, desks, backpacks, purses, etc., without notice or permission of any person as long as the Principal or designate has reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a breach of school regulations and that the search would reveal evidence of that breach.  Police may from time to time be invited onto school premises to conduct their own searches, also without prior notice to or permission of any member of the school community.

Community Partners

Through outreach, school and community partnerships already in place may be enhanced and new partnerships developed with community agencies and other groups within the community (e.g., Kinark Family and Child Services, Aboriginal Elders). Community agencies are important resources that schools can use to deliver prevention or intervention programs. Protocols are effective ways of establishing connections between boards and community agencies and formalizing the partnership. These partnership agreements must respect all applicable collective agreements and Board policies.


Durham Regional Police Service Partnership

The Durham Regional Police Service plays an essential role in making our schools and communities safer. The police investigate incidents in accordance with our Police/School Board protocol. This protocol is based on the provincial model developed by the Ministry of Education.  The Durham Regional Police Service are instrumental in supporting our schools with all emergency preparedness procedures and Safe Schools initiatives.  Each of our schools has regular access to a School Liaison Officer.

Emergency Response Plans


Each September, as part of our Police/Board protocol we practice our emergency response procedures, so all staff and students are well prepared in the event of a real emergency.  Using newsletters and the school website, we will provide all families with details of our practices and the role that parents play in supporting a school’s emergency response.


Emergency response practices include:

Fire Drills: Students practice the appropriate way to exit the building when they hear a fire alarm.  Practices are held when students are in class, at recess and where an exit might be blocked.

Lock down: Students practice the appropriate way to respond to a threat of danger inside the school using the R-SAFE acronym.  Students are taught to get to the nearest and safest location as quickly as possible, what to do when they get there and the importance of remaining quiet.

Hold and Secure: Students practice how to respond to a threat of danger outside the school.  In the case of a Hold and Secure, all exterior doors remain locked and students remain inside, away from exterior doors and windows until the Hold and Secure has been lifted.  In most cases, the need for a Hold and Secure is at the request of the police, based on a situation in the neighbourhood.  In these cases, the school must wait for the police to lift the request for a Hold and Secure

Shelter in Place: Students practice how to respond to an environmental danger, like a hurricane.  In most cases, the response will be a Hold and Secure with specific directions based on the environmental concern.

Bomb Threat: Students are taught the appropriate response to a bomb threat which includes never touching a suspicious package and listening carefully to the directions of the teacher or the administration if an evacuation is warranted.


How can parents help?

Parents can help by following the procedures associated with each of plans should they be present during a drill or should a real situation occur.  School administration must follow the direction of the police as soon as they become involved in an emergency response.  As such, Parents must understand that schools are unable to release students during an emergency response without the expressed permission of the police.

Parents can also assist the school by emphasizing with their children the importance of closely following the direction of the staff during a drill or a real emergency.  Parents should encourage their children to share any information they may have about a threat of violence toward a school or information they may have after a violent incident. It is everyone’s responsibility to help keep our school safe.


Permission for Photo and Video Sharing at School

As we try to keep pace with social media that is so much a part of our students’ lives, it is important to be reminded of people’s right to privacy.  While taking photos or videos at various school events, please be mindful that it is illegal to post/upload/share photos or videos of anyone other than yourself your child on the internet or anywhere without the expressed consent of the person or their guardian. Sharing photos or videos of others without their consent is a privacy violation.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)


BYOD allows students to bring electronic devices to school for educational purposes.  Students are expected to use devices responsibly, and only with the permission and direction of teachers or other staff members.  Research indicates that the use of technology increases engagement, which leads to improved student success.  The following are reasons why BYOD works well:

  • Students are usually experts in their own device and can customize it to suit their learning needs
  • Students can use it to learn anytime, anywhere;
  • Students can collaborate and work anytime; before school, after school, and at lunchtime; and
  • Student-owned devices are often more up-to-date than those provided by the school due to the cost of replacing hardware for the entire system.

Our students are going to live and work in a world where people use electronic devices regularly. They need to learn how to use devices in a respectful, responsible and ethical manner. The Durham Catholic District School Board’s BYOD procedures, School Codes of Conduct and Ontario Graduate Expectations will guide teachers in the process of teaching students what it means to be good digital citizens.

Not every parent can or wants to send their child to school with an electronic device. Teachers will continue to plan lessons that do not require the use of a personally owned device. Teachers are encouraged to give advanced notice when they plan to incorporate electronic devices into a lesson. Students without devices will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with other students or borrow a school device.

Students are required to use the Board’s wireless network, which they can access at no cost while at school. They will not be permitted to access their paid data plans while in school. The Durham Catholic District School Board’s network filter will help prevent students from accessing inappropriate web content while they are logged in at school.

Schools will have plans in place to help students keep their devices secures. Ultimately, students are responsible for lost, stolen, and/or damaged personal electronic devices, just as they are for other personal items brought to school.


Secondary School - Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement


  • I will respect the dignity of others and contribute to the common good.
  •  I will only use social media in a manner that respects the dignity of others.
  • I will use the internet, computers and personally owned electronic devices in a manner consistent with the Catholic Graduate Expectations.
  • I will respect the intellectual property rights of others and not pirate or plagiarize.
  • I will protect my digital identity, my passwords, and others’ right to privacy online.
  • I will only use personally owned electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, tablets, iPods) during class time when it is allowed by my teacher.
  • I will not take pictures, videos or audio recordings of people without their permission.
  • I will not use an electronic device in private areas (e.g., washrooms, change rooms, and administrative offices).
  • I understand that inappropriate use of personally owned electronic devices make me subject to discipline as noted in the Board’s Acceptable Use of Information and Communication Technology Administrative Procedure, Code of Conduct Policy and Student Discipline Policy.
  • I will remember Jesus’ message do unto others as I would have done to me.


DCDSB's Concussion Policy

All school boards in the Province of Ontario are required by law to have a Concussion policy and school board administrative procedures in place so that students, school staff and parents/guardians understand their role in preventing, managing and reporting suspected or diagnosed concussions.

A concussion is the term for a clinical diagnosis that is made by a medical doctor or a nurse practitioner. The definition of concussion below is adapted from the definition provided in the concussion protocol in the Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines.

A concussion:

  • is a brain injury that causes changes in the way in which the brain functions and that can lead to symptoms that can be physical (e.g., headache, dizziness), cognitive (e.g., difficulty in concentrating or remembering), emotional/behavioural (e.g., depression, irritability), and/or related to sleep (e.g., drowsiness, difficulty in falling asleep);
  • may be caused either by a direct blow to the head, face, or neck or by a blow to the body that transmits a force to the head that causes the brain to move rapidly within the skull;
  • can occur even if there has been no loss of consciousness (in fact most concussions occur without a loss of consciousness);
  • cannot normally be seen by means of medical imaging tests, such as X-rays, standard computed tomography (CT) scans, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans.


A specific concussion protocol and tool now exists in all Durham Catholic District School Board schools that includes responsibilities for Board and school staff, students and parents/guardians. Additionally, health units and sports and fitness organizations in Durham are using this protocol to raise awareness to help prevent and manage concussions. 

It is important to note that all suspected concussions must be reported, and a medical doctor or nurse practitioner make a diagnosis and participate in the Return To Learn and/or Physical Activity documentation process.

The concussion tool noted in this student agenda is a resource for school staff, parents/guardians and students. Parents/guardians and students are encouraged to contact your school principal for more details about the new concussion management and prevention safety protocols that exist to promote student safety and success.

For more information about the Board’s Concussion protocols, please see the Board’s Concussion Policy (PO614) and the Concussion Administrative Procedure (AP614).


Monsignor Paul Dwyer Expectations

The staff and students of Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School shall endeavour to promote a positive learning environment at all times. The following is a brief summary highlighting some of the expectations of students:

Religious Education


The spiritual dimension of our Catholic Secondary School Community shall be respected at all times. By choosing to attend Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School, students are affirming a desire for Catholic secondary education. All students in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 will take a full credit in Religious Studies. All grade 12 students intending to participate in Graduation exercises are expected to have completed 40 hours of community service on or before June 1st of their graduating year.

Students are expected to participate actively in the religious life of the school. Students must:

1.   Attend all school masses and para liturgies and participate reverently in the celebrations.

2.   Participate respectively in offering prayers in class.

3.   Respect religious symbols throughout the school.

4.   Demonstrate a positive attitude toward religious studies which make up a part of each student’s curriculum.

5.   Participate in spiritual retreats as part of the Religion program.

6.   Demonstrate a caring, respectful attitude toward fellow students, staff and community members.


Patterns of excessive absenteeism may result in loss of credit. Irregular, unauthorized absence and late for school may result in suspension, with a review of the student’s academic program in the school. 

Hallway and Cafeteria Behaviour 
  • During lunch hours students are to stay out of the hallways until approximately five minutes before the end of their lunch hour.
  • Food and drinks are to be consumed only in the cafeteria, never in the hallways or classrooms. Food and drinks consumed in the hallways and classrooms may be confiscated. Proper dress code is in effect when in the cafetorium as it is at all other times throughout the day.
Lockers and Personal Property 

Students are encouraged to leave valuables at home. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. If students choose to bring valuables to school, they should be secured in their locker and not left in common areas such as change rooms, cafeteria or library.

Your locker is assigned to you for your convenience, but it remains the property of the school. Writing on or inside lockers is not acceptable, and suggestive slogans or pictures posted inside are serious offences and will be treated as such. Your locker must be in the same condition at the end of the year as it was on the opening day of September. Your locker is for your use only - do not give anyone else your combination. Only school-issued Dudley locks may be used. The serial number must be registered with the Vice Principal.

Dress Code 

 Please go to to review the uniform policy.



  1. Students are responsible for complying with the dress code.
  2. A student out of uniform must see a Vice-Principal at the start of the school day.
  3. Students who are not in proper uniform may not be admitted to class, assemblies, examinations nor accompany their classes on field trips without permission from Vice Principal.
  4. Students out of uniform may be sent home to change.
  5. Chronic refusal to cooperate with the uniform policy shall be interpreted as opposition to authority and therefore considered grounds for suspension.
Non-Uniform Days 

Monsignor Paul Dwyer is well-known and respected for its support of local, national and international charities. Most of our non-uniform days are for charitable purposes; students are required to donate $2.00 on each non-uniform day if they wish to be out of uniform. If a student does not wish to contribute, they must be in full uniform.

Students must follow guidelines established for non-uniform days or they may be sent home to change. In keeping with the values of self-respect and respect for others, students must wear clothes that do not display scenes or words of violence, sex, alcohol, drugs, or with racist overtones. In addition, clothing worn must be appropriate for the school environment.  Administration discretion will be used when needed. 


Student parking is limited. You must see a Vice Principal to apply for a parking permit.  Students who do not comply with parking regulations, will have their parking privileges suspended.



Durham Student Transportation Services arranges transportation for some students according to the DCDSB’S eligibility guidelines, which can be found on the Board website:

Transportation is a privilege, not a right, and student safety is of paramount importance. School bus vehicles are considered an extension of the classroom. Therefore, students are expected to behave according to the school code of conduct and always act with respect toward the bus driver, their peers and bus property. Failure to do so will result in consequences which may include suspension of transportation privileges. Also, in the event of damage to bus property, a student may be held responsible for making restitution for repair or replacement costs.


Students in good standing will be allowed to attend dances which are supervised by school staff. Disruptive and uncooperative students may not attend these functions. In most cases the dances run from 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. The doors open at 7:30 p.m.; students must show their Paul Dwyer ID card at the door. The dance area is confined to the cafetorium and students will not have access to the hallways or their lockers. Students may not leave the dance at any time unless they intend to leave for the evening.

Substance Abuse Policy 

The Durham Catholic District School Board has established a “Substance Abuse” Policy consistent with the Government of Ontario directives in this area. The possession or use of tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, or any other illegal drug is prohibited by students on school premises or during school activities.

Students in contravention of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension from school or expulsion from all schools of the Board.

Smoke Free Ontario Act, 2006

The Smoke Free Ontario Act is a provincial law that prohibits any person from smoking or holding lit tobacco on school property at any time. Furthermore, anyone who gives cigarettes to a person under the age of 19, either on or off school property, is breaking the law and subject to a fine. This law applies to all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and smokeless chewing tobacco.

Students will be subject to charges and fines by the Durham Regional Health Department/Tobacco Enforcement Officer.  Students 16 or older may be charged and given a minimum $305 ticket or issued a summons to appear in court. For students under the age of 16, the student, accompanied by a parent/guardian, must attend and answer to the charge in Provincial Offences Court on predetermined date(s); and a fine of up to $300 for a first offence may be issued.  Students will be suspended for smoking on school property including e-cigarettes. 



Students are not permitted to participate in gambling activities on school property i.e. dice/poker. Please do not bring dice/chips to school. Students engaged in such behaviour will be dealt with severely. 


Electronic Equipment

Personal electronic entertainment or communication devices such as radios, portable stereos, cell phones, earphones, electronics, CD/ DVD players, I-pods etc. are not to be used in the class or halls. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Laser Pointers

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have stated that laser pointers may be harmful to the retina of the eye. Laser pointers are not allowed on school property and will be confiscated. Students using laser pointers will be suspended from school.

Skateboards and Rollerblades
Skateboarding/rollerblading are not permitted on school property.
Students may not have friends visit them during school hours. If a visitor must come to the school for any reason, then he/she  must report directly to the Main Office.
Police Liaison

At Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School, we are fortunate to have an excellent partnership with the Durham Regional Police Department. A Community Police Officer has been assigned to Dwyer in conjunction with the other Oshawa secondary schools. The function of this officer is to provide support to school and community officials with regard to legal and safety issues.


Student Crime Stoppers

A student who wishes to anonymously report information about a crime in the school may call the Durham Regional Crime Stoppers community telephone hotline 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS). This line is answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Crime Stoppers does not use call display. You never have to give your name. You never have to meet police, go to court or be hassled in any way. Callers may be eligible for a cash reward.

Do the right thing - Call Crime Stoppers and put a stop to crime in your school. It’s your school – it’s your call.

Computer Usage and Access Policy - Acceptable Use of Information and Communication Technology 

Misuse and Consequences of Misuse

Where a computer user violates any of the terms and conditions one or more of the following consequences occur.

      a)      suspension or cancellation of user privileges;

      b)      liability for payment for damages;

      c)      discipline under other appropriate Board policies, including suspension, expulsion or termination of     
               employment; or

      d)      civil or criminal liability under other applicable laws.

Disciplinary action, including, but not limited to suspension or involvement of police services, may be imposed in response to any violation of this policy when deemed necessary by the Administration based on the circumstances surrounding the offence.

When a student is using a personally owned electronic device without the permission of a teacher or principal they will be subject to progressive discipline (e.g. may include, but not limited to, turning in his/her device to a teacher for a period or a day, turning in his/her device to administration for a period of time, losing the privilege of using a personally owned electronic device for a period of time).

When the use of personally owned electronic devices has not been authorized, they must be securely stored in a silent mode out of sight of students and staff.

Prohibited use of personally owned electronic devices that may result in a student receiving disciplinary action include, but are not limited to:

   a)   academic integrity being compromised (e.g, use during tests or exams);

   b)   disruption to the instructional day or teaching-learning environment (e.g., unsanctioned use in class);

   c)   recording of activities that may negatively impact school climate including, but not limited to, recording any
         person without their consent;

   d)   violation of a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy including, but not limited to:

    • use in washrooms or change rooms
    • posting of a person’s image(s) on the internet or in a hard copy
    • taking pictures of individuals without consent. The consent of the parent/guardian is required for a student with special needs
    • emailing pictures and/or recordings of individuals without consent
    • sending inappropriate text messages or images
    • compromising personal and/or school safety (e.g. bullying)
    • any other situation deemed by school Administration where school security, safety, individual privacy or academic integrity is compromised.


In the event of an emergency lock down there is to be no use of personal devices unless necessary to communicate regarding the incident and directed by the supervisor(s) (e.g., teacher, administrator).  Personal devices should be shut off or in silent mode.

All users should be aware that in some instances, transmissions, recordings or images may be reviewed and relied on, in disciplinary matters subject to search and seizure and privacy legislation.

Co-Curricular Activities 

It is the belief of the school that students whose school life is confined to the classroom miss out on a great deal that the Paul Dwyer community has to offer. Every student is encouraged to take part in at least one of the sports or clubs.


  • Cross Country,
  • Football,
  • Basketball,
  • Curling,
  • Volleyball,
  • Hockey,
  • Soccer,
  • Track and Field,
  • Badminton,
  • Softball,
  • Golf,
  • Lacrosse,
  • Swim Team,
  • Rowing,
  • Tennis,
  • Frisbee,
  • Fishing



  • Student Council,
  • Stage Bands,
  • Choir,
  • Performing Arts,
  • Stage Crew,
  • Chaplaincy Team,
  • School Reach,
  • Multicultural Club,
  • Technology Club,
  • Eco Team,
  • Best Buddies,
  • Lunch Bunch,
  • Social Justice
Activities Eligibility Policy 


Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School believes that participation in school sponsored activities greatly enhances student character, respect and responsibility. We encourage all students to become involved in the co-curricular program.

Students will sometimes need to be excused from classes in order to participate in these activities; however, this does not lessen their responsibility to classroom teachers. Prior to excusal, students are expected to make contact with their teachers to receive homework, special instructions or assignments. Students are reminded that they are responsible for all work missed. A school eligibility consent form must be completed prior to participation in any co-curricular activity.

The school’s Eligibility Policy includes the following criteria:

a) Acceptable Academic Achievement, Attendance & Behaviour

The subject teacher’s signature, (when given on the individual student eligibility sheet) indicates that the teacher approves student participation in a co-curricular activity based on:

  • Acceptable academic achievement
  • Acceptable classroom attendance
  • Acceptable classroom behaviour


The teacher’s signature is in support of the entire length of the program or season unless the teacher feels that there has been a significant change in academic, attendance or behaviour patterns.

When a concern has been brought forward by a teacher, a review will be conducted. The review will involve the teacher, activity coordinator, Vice-Principal and the student and or parent.

Students with excessive absences will have their participation in co-curricular activities reviewed by the eligibility committee. This may result in a student losing their right to participate in co-curricular activities.


b) Absences

Any unexplained absence from school (skip) may result in a period of ineligibility from all school sponsored co-curricular activities. This may include weekends.

Absence from school on the day of activities forfeits the opportunity to participate on that day.

Students referred for poor attendance may be deemed ineligible and/or put on probation with continued monitoring of attendance and progress.


c) Suspensions

It is an expectation that students representing Dwyer in co-curricular activities, be exemplary role models and ambassadors for our school. Behaviour at school sponsored co-curricular activities is subject to consequences under the Board’s Code of Conduct as outlined in Policies and Procedures for the Durham Catholic District School Board. In addition to suspensions and expulsions, the school may suspend students from participating in co-curricular activities at the discretion of the principal for up to one calendar year.

Upon suspension from school, the student is ineligible for all school sponsored co-curricular activities (weekend activities included) for the duration of the suspension.

Students with one or more suspensions may be ineligible for all school sponsored co-curricular activities.

Students who are suspended, must apply for a return of their eligibility status by completing an appeal process.


d) School Debts/Fees

All school registration fees and school textbooks debts must be paid (library books included) prior to students being able to try out for or participate in any program.


Student Services



Chaplaincy aims to foster the faith life of our school community. The Chaplaincy Team Leader, who co-ordinates this service, ministers full time with the staff and students to focus and develop different ministries of Christ as the need arises.

In particular the Chaplaincy will provide:

  • counselling and spiritual direction

  • encouragement of the sacramental life of the school community

  • crisis intervention and bereavement follow-up

  • support and resources for parents and the surrounding community

  • support and a link between the school and the surrounding parishes

  • encouragement to the school community to be involved in activities of social action and Christian witness, and

  • support and resource to the religious education program of the school

Program Support 

If, at any time, you are in need of academic or moral support, a team of teachers and educational assistants is available to assist you before classes or after school by appointment. The department offers long-term programs to many students, but it also offers the following services to individual students on a short-term basis: academic assessment, remedial activities, reading and writing improvement, enrichment opportunities, and strategies for academic success.



Guidance Counsellors are teachers who assist students in acquiring the knowledge, skills and attitudes to:

  • Design a personalized educational plan with their course selections
  • Demonstrate effective personal and social skills
  • Develop a framework for realistic life and career planning in a constantly changing world

The following supports are available for all students:

  • A career centre with numerous resource materials dealing with all post-secondary destinations (i.e. apprenticeships, college, workplace, university)
  • Access to the Internet and a quiet place to study and work in the career centre
  • Job search resources
  • Personal Counselling
  • Grade 10 career studies course
  • Students may request an appointment with a counsellor by filling out a request form in the Guidance Office

Course Changes:

An individual timetable has been prepared for you by a computer program based on your choices made in career cruising.  Every effort is made to provide students with the courses they have chosen.  However, in some cases, an alternate course was necessary.  It can be very difficult, sometimes impossible, to change courses and/or levels during the school year.  We will do our best to accommodate the changes that are necessary and/or possible.  



40-Hour Community Involvement Requirement 


“As part of the diploma requirements, students must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities. These activities may be completed at any time during their years in the secondary school program. The community involvement requirement is designed to encourage students to develop awareness and understanding of civic responsibility and of the role they can play in supporting and strengthening their communities.”   - Ontario Secondary Schools, Grades 9 to 12 Ministry of Education



  • Must be completed outside scheduled class time

  • Must not be part of a credit course

  • Must be unpaid activities

  • Must not be for work done for wages by another person

  • Must be completed by the end of Grade 12

  • Must not be for a workplace for commercial business



Post-Secondary Requirements


Educational planning is vital; thus, it is never too early for students to begin their research into post- secondary destinations. It is the responsibility of all students to be fully aware of program requirements at post- secondary institutions. Students are encouraged to check specific University and College Admission Calendars to determine course requirements, cut off grades, scholarship and award programs, as well as any additional admission criteria such as interviews, auditions, portfolios. Other post-secondary destinations also have specific requirements which must be met.


Library/Learning Commons 

A school Learning Commons is more than a stack of books.

It supports:

  • the development of life-long learning skills (observing, collecting, recording, hypothesizing, organizing, inferring and


  • the opportunity to explore our current affairs, social issues, other cultures or languages or technology through our books, periodicals, reference texts, on-line sources, and audio-visual materials.

The teacher-librarian plans and develops curriculum co-operatively with the teacher in order that activities and materials in the Library Commons directly support program objectives. It is our aim that our students become successful, independent learners. The Loan period is 2 weeks. You are encouraged to make the Library Commons a part of your school day. Check periodically the Library Commons internet link for on-line references at and click on Learning Commons. The following print resource is available for students and staff at the Paul Dwyer Learning Commons Information Centre:

"Research Success @Your Library"

Academic Honesty 

It is essential that students demonstrate academic honesty in all aspects of school work. That means that when you gather information and ideas for a project, essay or other assignment, you must cite each source you use. This can include statistics, charts, images, quotes, paraphrasing and music, film and other media. By citing you show that you are honest and accountable for your own work. It is important that you consult with your teacher regarding proper formatting of your work and proper documentation of all research.


If you do not give credit to the person who creates a work or expresses an idea, you are suggesting that the words or ideas are your own. That is plagiarism and it is cheating. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to, submitting a piece of writing such as an essay or an oral presentation which has been created by someone else, copying a short passage without crediting the author, and paraphrasing another person’s ideas without acknowledging the author. Plagiarism is a serious offence and may result in a mark of zero.


Paraphrasing is representing the author's thoughts and ideas in your own words. This also constitutes plagiarism unless the author is acknowledged. When paraphrasing you must introduce the material (i.e.: according to Smith,…) so that the reader knows where the cited information begins. Do not use quotation marks. End the paraphrased section with an in-text citation.

Sometimes you will include in your writings information that is understood to be common knowledge (for example, the fact that World War II ended in 1945). In this case, you do not need to cite a source. However, what is held to be common knowledge in your Religious Studies class may not be common knowledge in History or English; there may even be discrepancies between different courses within a given discipline. Use your classroom experience as a guide. If a piece of information would be understood without a reference in a classroom discussion, consider it common knowledge. If in doubt, cite your source.

Science Safety Contract 

The following are general safety rules and guidelines associated with any and all science courses. Additional specific safety instruction will be delivered on an as needed basis. To participate in any science class, you and your parent or guardian must read, understand, and sign the agreement below. Failure to do so may restrict your ability to participate in experimental activities, and possibly result in disciplinary action.

  1. All students must wear the designated personal protective equipment (PPE) when requested by the teacher. No exceptions.
  2. Students must conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times in the classroom and laboratory.
  3. Students must follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. If you do not understand a direction or part of a procedure, always ask the teacher for assistance.
  4. When entering a science classroom and/or laboratory, do not touch any equipment, chemicals, or other materials until you have been instructed by the teacher to do so.
  5. Absolutely no food or drink in the laboratory.
  6. Always keep hands away from face, eyes, mouth and body while using chemicals or preserved specimens.  Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water after performing all experiments.
  7. If any chemical gets on your hands, or any other part of your body, alert the teacher and follow instructions (e.g. wash it off immediately).
  8. Clean with supplied materials (detergent), rinse and wipe dry all apparatus at the end of each experiment and return all equipment clean and in working order to the proper storage area.
  9. When transferring reagents from one container to another, hold the containers away from your body.
  10. Never return unused chemicals to their original containers. When in doubt, ask the teacher.
  11. Never remove chemicals or any materials from the laboratory area.
  12. Examine glassware before each use. Never use chipped, cracked, or dirty glassware.
  13. Carry glass tubing (especially long pieces), in a vertical position to minimize breakage and injury.
  14. Never attempt to handle broken glass. Alert the teacher immediately and follow their instructions.
  15. Never immerse hot glassware in cold water as it may shatter.
  16. Report all damage and accidents immediately to the teacher!
  17. If you do not understand how to use a piece of equipment, always ask your teacher before proceeding.
  18. Never place any hot apparatus directly on a laboratory desk. Always use an insulating pad. Allow time for the apparatus to cool before touching it.



I, (please print) _______________________________________, have read and agree to follow the above listed rules and guidelines. These rules and guidelines have been developed to ensure the safety of myself, fellow students, teacher, and the environment. I understand that failure to comply may result in disciplinary action. By signing this “contract”, I agree to cooperate to the fullest extent possible, including but not limited to, any oral or written instructions.

_________________________               _________________________             

Student Signature                                    Parent Signature    







Agenda Review Sign Off

By signing below, you are indicating that you have reviewed the information contained in the student agenda and that you agree to abide by them.  For further information, the related Board policies are available on the Board’s website:, and in the school office

  • School Code of Conduct (PO 431)
  • Fair Notice of Community Threat Assessment and Intervention Protocol
  • Acceptable Use of Information and Communication Technology Policy (PO431)
  • Concussion Policy (PO614)


Student’s Signature:






If student is younger than 18 years of age: I have discussed the information contained in this agenda with my child.

Parent/Guardian’s Full Name (Please Print):



Parent/Guardian’s Signature:

