Staff Directory

Our staff are here to help. To reach a member of our team call 905-723-5255, and their Extensions are noted below:

Administrators Title Phone Extension
Mr. S. O'Hare Principal 55000
Mrs. K. Burke Vice Principal for Student LNames: A-L  55004
Mr. M. Travis Vice Principal for Student LNames: M-Z 55003
Chaplain Title Phone Extension
Mr. K. Stephen Chaplain 55020
Administrative Assistants Title Phone Extension
Mrs. C. Pineau Senior Administrative Assistant 55000 / or Press 0
Mrs. T. Brennan Administrative Assistant, Finance 55002 / or Press 0
Mrs. I. Ganhao Administrative Assistant, Attendance 55008 / or Press 2
Ms. B. Kozak Administrative Assistant, Guidance 55010 / or Press 4
Teachers Department/Subject Phone Extension
Mr. J. Alcobendas Core French / Cdn. World Studies / Religion TBA
Mrs. L. Auld Curriculum Chair, Mathematics 55025
Ms. P. Baghdasarian Business/Tech. 42073
Mr. C. Beekharry Science 42507
Mrs. R. Bendana Religion / Civics/Careers / Geography 42363
Mrs. N. Berkaslan Mathematics 42241
Mrs. L.-A. Biddiss English 41898
Mr. M. Blakeley Mathematics / Technology -Manufacturing/Construction Engineering  
Mrs. K. Brown-Gagné English As a Second Language / Core French 40855
Mrs. A. Butler  Curriculum Chair, Physical Education/Health 55016
Mrs. R. Cain  Librarian 55009
Ms. P. Campbell Mathematics / Guidance & Career Education 42262
Mrs. M. Cannon Curriculum Chair, Guidance and Cooperative Education, N-Z 55012
Ms. C. Chase Religion 42410
Mrs. E. Clemits Mathematics 42296
Ms. A. Coffey

English / Law / Human Development throughout the Lifespan

Ms. P. Cucinato Program Support 41353
Ms. L.-A. Cutaia Curriculum Chair, Program Support / ESL / Library 55014
Mr. T. Davidson Curriculum Chair, Science 55024
Ms. S. De Sousa Math / Science / Religion 42282
Mr. G. Dennis  Guidance Counsellor, F-M / Mathematics  55031 
Mrs. P. Doyle Arts: Music -Concert Band, Vocal, Vocal Choral 41358
Mr. M. Ellsworth Canadian and World Studies / Social Science 41362
Mr. P. Ellsworth Curriculum Chair, Canadian and World Studies / Social Science
Ms. A. Estrada Phys. Ed. / Religion / Science 41206
Mr. M. Eyre Tech -Integrated Technology/Transportation/Transportation Technology: Auto Service 42531
Mr. J. Fortier Mathematics 41431
Mr. M. Francis  Mathematics 41365 
Mr. B. Gallagher Physical Education and Health 41366
Mr. C. Goddard Religion  40511 
Mrs. S. Goveas Mathematics 40940
Mr. G. Guerreiro Core French / Physical Education and Health 41367
Mr. P. Hapon Curriculum Chair, Business Studies / Computer Studies / Technological Studies 55015
Mrs. S.-L. Harman English  41954 
Mrs. K. Hetherington 
Cosmetology -Tech / Program Support   40852 
Mrs. S. Jakabfy      Science 41373
Mrs. M. Kasprzak Physical Education and Health 41375
Mrs. K. Kelly Guidance Counsellor (A-E), Cooperative Education


Mr. T. Kelly Religion 40370
Ms. A. Kindlon Arts: Media Arts / Visual Design / Graphic Design / Information/Computer Design / Visual Arts: Film/Video 40426
Ms. K. Lajoie Mathematics  40097 
Mrs. M. Lang Program Support / Arts: Dance / Co-operative Education 55039
Ms. K. Lee Curriculum Chair, Religion 55033
Mr. S. Longauer Curriculum Chair, Arts  55022 
Mr. M. Macina Technological Studies -Construction 42249
Ms. R. MacNeill  Religion / English / Mathematics  40751 
Mr. D. Maecker Mathematics / Religion / CWS -Geog./Sci.  
Mrs. D. Matthews-Altieri English 40271
 Mr. S. McDavid Science 40406
Ms. C. Mikhael Intermediate Guidance Teacher, Guidance 55011
Mr. G. Mitchell Co-operative Education, Guidance and Career Education  55027
Mrs. K. Morrison Technological Studies -Business 40428
Mr. T. O'Meara Science 42254
Ms. J. Palmer Arts: Drama / Program Support 40756
Mr. D. Partlow Core French / Canadian World Studies/Social Sciences 41467 
Mrs. S. Pereira Student Success Teacher / Guidance & Career Education 55032
Ms. B. Quinn Religion 40635
Mr. L. Robertazzi Technological Studies -Food & Nutrition  
Mr. D. Scott Core French / Canadian and World Studies 41398
Mr. B. Smart Physical Education and Health / Religion 41964
Mrs. O. Smith Canadian World Studies/SS 40532
Mrs. S. Sorbilli English 40259
Ms. T. St. Pierre Religion / Arts 41227
Ms. K. Talbot Arts / Program Support / Canadian World Studies/Social Science 41401
Mrs. C. Thomas  Canadian World Studies/Social Sciences / Tech.: Hospitality and Tourism 40277 
Mr. B. Tomsic Mathematics 41402
Mr. B. van Asten  Science 41405 
Mr. M. van Rhee Science 41404
Mr. B. Wray English / Library 41406
Mrs. H. Yanchus Curriculum Chair, English / French / Modern Languages 55023 
Mrs. M. Grant  Social Worker 22188
Ms. S. Mercier Child & Youth Counsellor 57254 
Educational Assistants Title Phone Extension
Mrs. S. Adey Educational Assistant 41222
Mr. M. Behrens Educational Assistant 40151
Mr. P. Di Lisi Educational Assistant 40784
Mrs. A. Flanagan Educational Assistant  42155
Mrs. M. Kunkel Educational Assistant 41184
Ms. P. Lehman Educational Assistant 42531
Mrs. L. Myers Educational Assistant 40520 
Mrs. M. Rodney Educational Assistant 41989  
Mrs. J. Saunders Educational Assistant 41396
Ms. J. Smith Educational Assistant  40552 
Ms. M. L. Van Leeuwen Educational Assistant 40463
Mrs. D. Vladic-David  Educational Assistant   
Custodial Staff: Title Phone Extension
Ms. S. Morgan Chief Custodian  55029
Mr. A. Branton Custodian  40437
Mrs. B. Davies Custodian  40352
Mrs. G. Janczak Custodian  41374
Mr. B. Sloper Custodian  41936 
Mr. A. Spiak  Custodian  
Lunch Hour Supervisors: Title Phone Extension
Mrs. R. Akasheh  Lunch Hour Supervisor n/a
Mr. G. Keldani Lunch Hour Supervisor n/a
Mrs. A. Quattrocchi Lunch Hour Supervisor n/a

SO'H/cp  Revised:  40/18/2024